Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Working our way down Lake Michigan...We are feeling a change in the wind!

We picked Cathy up in Cheboygan and headed to Mackinaw City. The day was nice, but the wind was from the NE at 10 so there was some rolling action...Cathy and Ashton were not happy. As far as the weather, we have noticed the frequency of frontal passages change from once every 5 days to once every 3 days. This is making the journey down Lake Michigan a bit slower than anticipated. I posted earlier how we had learn the "turn back lesson". We have not forgotten that one an when the wind is over 15 knots, we stay put. This lake will turn ugly early.

After stopping in Mackinaw City, Asthon and I took the ferry over to Mackinac Island. Can you say touristy? Here are some pictures. Close your eyes and imagine the most wonderful fudge smells...now keep them close and imagine the most potent horse urine smell...OK, now mix them...welcome to Mackinac Island.
However, we made our way out of the madness of the forced 1900 main street and took a nice hike around the island.

The next day we made our way down to Charlevoix, which is arguably the prettiest town we have visited on the entire trip. It is hard for pictures to do justice to the beautiful harbor, water and buildings. This town is home to the houses built like little Tolkien cottages. We stayed here three days due to high winds. During this time, we participated in a dingy poker run again...didn't win but had a great time.

Monday found us headed south again to the picturesque town of Leland MI. This town is still a working fishing village...whoo hoo, fresh Walleye!
The trip was a bit rolly as the seas had not calmed from the day prior storm. Ashton and Cathy did the Dramamine thing again while Steel Stomach George manned the helm. We pulled into Leland and they squeezed us into a nice spot by the fuel dock. It seems that Leland is a Harbor of Refuge and they cannot deny any boat a place to wait out a storm...and there was a storm due the next day. Here are some pictures of all the boats in this relatively small marina.
We waited out the storm (30 knot winds). While we where swapping stories on the dock during the day, we spotted a trawler (another Looper) that was getting smacked by the ways making its way to our refugee. It seems this trawler left during the sucker morning calm and then pushed on as the winds picked up. Well, they made it in and the look on the older couples face was part embarrassment, part terror...oh, the lady was also part PISSED! They were doing the loop in phases and she said this phase was OVER!

Today we are in Frankfort with plans to stay two days as they are calling for gale force winds tomorrow.

All the best,
The Worleys aboard Waveaway
Currently lying Frankfort Michigan

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Back in the USA....you don't know how lucky you are.....

We have made it back to the US, crossing a very angry Lake Huron ref the above shot...I took this as Ashton was heaving below. We had to turn around the day prior due to 6' beam seas...been there, done that...no repeats please. At least this day everything was on the nose.

  • So a quick recap:
    • Days waiting on bad weather: 4
    • Maintenance issues: 2, fuel leak and various oil leaks...no, oil perspiration from my older Detroit Diesels
    • Food issues; none...been eating and drinking way too well
    • Over budget on
      • Booze
      • Food
      • Fuel
The last ten days found us making our way through the North Channel, waiting out weather in a nice cove there and waiting out weather in a marina at De Tour Channel. I will caption the picture below as they give a better update than words.

We are set to move tomorrow as Cathy has finally joined us after a LONG flight from D.C. She had to spend the night in the Detroit Airport thanks to US Air Ways. All the airlines are operating on such tight margins with regards to pilot/crew member availability, weather events and maintenance that everyday there are dramas. Makes me glad I am not flying for one of them right now...with the exception of Southwest...still the kings of "get them there on time...."This shot was taken as we made our way across Lake Huron's Northern Channel. We had to wait two days for this weather!

A beautiful marina at Little Current, the last bit of civilization for 100 miles on the North Channel
Yet another tricky navigation challenge...this is only 75 ft wide and you make a security call prior to passage
Ashton and I climbing the hills in search of blueberries waiting out the weather on the North Channel
A particularly interesting cloud formation...I guess I snapped this just after watching the old 80's flick, The Day After